Solvency 2 Actuarial

Solvency2Actuarial supports CMS UK.
Their dedication for changing lives is truly inspirational.


Challenge Ministries Swaziland (CMS) UK raises a generation of educated children who are free from neglect, abuse and poverty.

Charity Children Photo

CMS lead at local and national levels, effecting economic and social change in Swaziland (now called Eswatini). They currently care for over 400 orphaned and vulnerable children throughout Eswatini. Be a part of this amazing story:

  • Sponsor a child
  • Support a business
  • Join us on a Mission Impact Trip

CMS provide shelter and food, but most importantly education to their children. Their aim is to equip young people for their futures and giving them employment. Give a young person a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a young person to fish, and you've fed him for a lifetime.

CMS aim to be self-sufficient through the development of sustainable enterprise. They currently run a dairy, a honey business, a bakery, and a restaurant and lodge. They have just started an essential oils enterprise and have distilled their first batch of eucalyptus oil. All profits from these businesses help towards the cost of raising the orphans in their care. In addition, once the orphans graduate from school, they have an opportunity to learn a trade and be employed within their different enterprises.

One day when the businesses are profitable, CMS hope not to have to rely on child sponsorship and other charitable giving. For now, thank you for your support.


Mission impact trips give you an opportunity to see and to take part in the work being done by Challenge Ministries Swaziland UK.

From Megan:

"I went to Bulembu on a volunteer field trip. It is a nurturing, thriving community, where children orphaned by HIV are raised and educated in IT, technology, leadership, literature, sustainable farming and more. When they grow up, this gives them the skills and qualifications they need to make a living and to thrive. They are taught to embrace their culture and heritage, and to be leaders in their community. By donating, you will help Bulembu to continue to safeguard these children, and give them a future filled with hope and promise, where they can also be ambassadors for positive change in eSwatini."

10 year transformation photo
From Hamish:

"The two weeks I spent in Swaziland with challenge ministries were some of the most defining weeks of my life. To observe first-hand the heart that Challenge Ministries has to serve the people of Swaziland - through orphanages, medical care, rehabilitation programmes, schooling and many others was an absolute privilege. Challenge ministries save lives, transform broken hearts, feed the hungry, provide education for children, employment opportunities for those in need and so much more. Any support that you can give them goes directly into their programmes in the front line tackling the fight against poverty and will be used to transform lives."

10 Year Transformation Photo